Publisher System - Done For You Self Publishing Service

In this module, you get access to information to get started with our 100% Done For You Self Publishing Service.

Done For You Self Publishing Service


Step 1: Contact me at and tell me DATE & TIME & SKYPE USERNAME & EMAIL so I can contact you for a 1-on-1 skype call to get started with my done for yous self publishing service.

Step 2: After your call, you must create your accounts for these self publishing platforms. Send me this information as soon as possible so that when I finish your book, I can submit your book to multiple autopilot platforms.

The platforms to create your account are at:

Step 3: After your book is published, I will contact you via email and let you know when everything is done. After that, everything is done. Thank you!

My email - bjmin [at] dreampreneur [dot] com

Summary & Resources

  • In this module, you get access to information to get started with our 100% Done For You Self Publishing Service.

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