"How to Make $10K a Month Publishing Books!"
...Discover How to Self Publish Your Own Book on Amazon, Advertise Your Book, and Monetize Your Expertise into Maximized Profits Online!
Publisher System: How to Self Publish Your Ebook/Paperback/Hardback/Audiobook on Amazon, B&N, Apple!
Real Proof of Generating Up to $25,854.66 in 1 Month Thanks to the Self Publishing Business/Industry!
Click the 'Buy Now' Button to Get Publisher System!
Publisher System is an online course that teaches you self-publishing secrets from an BESTSELLING AUTHOR & INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER'S perspective. Join PUBLISHER SYSTEM Today!
All sales are final because this membership & course is digital. Thank you.
Self Publishing Amazon Ad Strategy for Kindle KDP Books That 5X Sales & Reduced ACOS From 54% to 4%!
Real Proof of Generating Up to $831.86 in 1 Day!

Yes! My book about self publishing ("How to Make Money with Ebooks") hit #1 on Amazon's Bestseller List for Business on Amazon. This book is still a classic because the 7 steps taught in that system in detail are the exact blueprint I use for my own independent publishing business still to this day.
$1,891.62 in 1 Day with Amazon Kindle Publishing!
$1,397.92 in 1 Day from Amazon Kindle Publishing!
$1,914.84 in 1 Month from Another Stream of Income!
$1,182.25 in 1 Month from Another Stream of Income!
$909.72 in 1 Month from Another Stream of Audiobook Income!
An additional $350+ a Month Online from Another Stream of My 10 Multiple Streams of Income Online!

Hello Aspiring Author/Publisher/Self Publishing Enthusiast!
If you want to learn about self publishing from a real life everyday & independent author & publisher, then this may be one of the most important websites you visit this year. That's because if you want to learn how to self publish your own eBook PLUS paperback book PLUS audiobook INDEPENDENTLY on Amazon by watching real life demonstrations on how to do that from A to Z, then PUBLISHER SYSTEM online membership site can help you LEARN & ACHIEVE that from Start to Finish, Step by Step, from A to Z!
Hello, my name is BJ Min and I am the author of "How to Make Money with Ebooks" which is my book about self publishing (teaches self publishing in 7 steps that is classic, relevant, and working still to this day) that hit #1 on Amazon's Bestseller List for Business on Amazon during its launch. I also have real life experience as an independent publisher who has worked with hundreds of everyday people to become published authors through my publishing business.
After spending many years as an an INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER, I want to NOW share with you my SECRET BLUEPRINT on how I started my own publishing company so YOU can start your OWN independent publishing company the RIGHT WAY!
Having said that, let me show you my REAL LIFE PROOF of self publishing!
In Publisher System membership site, you will receive my BEST & NEW & MOST RELEVANT self publishing lessons (from an everyday & independent self publishing person's perspective to show that you can also do it too!) through my comprehensive, look over my shoulders, & real life video demonstration format so you can learn from my unique/innovative/different theories & real life lessons to ultimately help YOU SELF PUBLISH your own eBook, paperback book, and audiobook on Amazon. You can do it.
Anyone can do it. It's most people's dreams to become an author and I want to help you do that through my real life lessons which I share through my membership site. Becoming published is about making your work official. Make your work official by getting published. Just like the saying "Once a Marine, always a Marine", I believe in this as well - "Once an author, always an author." Thank you and all the best!
Here is Proof of My Knowledge, Experience, and Results with Self Publishing Industry That I Have Freely Shared on YouTube...and Will Do More In Detail In My Step-by-Step PUBLISHER SYSTEM to My Students!
My Ebook Hits #1 on Amazon's Best Seller List on Business!
Done For You Ebook/Book/Audiobook Service + Keep ALL Royalties!
Benefits of Starting Your Own Self Publishing Business!
I got 1,200 Downloads of My eBook in 1 Single Day!
After spending many years as an an INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER, I want to NOW share with you my SECRET BLUEPRINT on how I started my own publishing company so YOU can start your OWN independent publishing company the RIGHT WAY!
Amazon self publishing can work for ANYONE!
You don’t have to be smart. You don’t need to write. You don’t need to have any special skills.
All you need is a DESIRE to make money online and willingness to TAKE ACTION following a PROVEN & TESTED method to do this.
And this is ALREADY proven because there are TONS of everyday people just like you (working from home or anywhere) who are making an EXTRA PASSIVE INCOME thanks to Amazon self publishing!
Because to be honest, I’m the WORST CANDIDATE in terms of making money online with self publishing!
- English was not my first language because I was born in Korea but eventually came to America at around age of 10.
- I NEVER excelled in the typical writing classes except for one class I had fun in which was called creative writing.
- I failed an English writing test that most of my friends in school all passed!
- I was so shy that I barely went to job interviews and the few job interviews I went, I NEVER got the job!
- In fact, prior to doing self publishing, I used to work a fulltime job as a convenience store clerk because I could NOT get a single job and the only reason I got the store clerk job was because my dad owned the convenience store at the time!
Honestly, I am in shock at how someone like me could make ANY money online…especially with self publishing!
So if I…a broke, shy, immigrant, former convenience store clerk with HORRIBLE English grades can make money with Amazon self publishing…then YOU CAN CERTAINLY DO IT AS WELL!
All you need is 1) have the desire to make money online + 2) follow a proven & tested step by step method to make money with Amazon self publishing.
You are here because you already have the desire to make money online.
The next thing you need is to get a PROVEN & TESTED method to make money online with self publishing.
The GREAT NEWS is that I have compiled the BEST step-by-step blueprint for you to succeed online.
After Having Success with Self Publishing, I Am Now Releasing My Step by Step Self Publishing Course Called PUBLISHER SYSTEM for ANYONE to Become a Self Published Author AND Build Their Own Independent Self Publishing Empire!
Here's What You Get Inside Publisher System
OVERVIEW: YOUR SELF PUBLISHING BUSINESS OVERVIEW – In this section, you will see a quick summary of how to build and grow your own publishing empire. In this section, you will see the BIG PICTURE before we venture into your self publishing journey. It’s good to see the big picture from a higher level to be able to ultimately understand and achieve all the steps necessary to have success with self publishing.
STEP 1: HOW TO BUILD YOUR BRAND – In this section, you will discover the ways to model the BIG PUBLISHING BRANDS and model their way to build your OWN brand and book empire for the LONG RUN. You no longer have to depend on having 100’s of pen names and for all kinds of niches. Just pick a brand and build an empire around it.
STEP 2: HOW TO CREATE YOUR BOOK – In this section, you will discover the most affordable way to hire real-life experts in their topics from freelancing sites and publish books in an authentic way with high quality. This method has not been taught my many teachers in the publishing industry as most teach to hire ghostwriters. We do things differently and teach you how to find and hire real-life experts in their topics in order to create a high quality guide written by a person with real-life experience in their topic. You will discover the MECHANICS of hiring from POSTING A JOB + FINDING NEW APPLICANTS + HIRING APPLICANTS + SENDING INSTRUCTIONS + RECEIVING THE WORK + MORE! In addition, you will also learn how to write your own books to achieve your personal goals of self publishing your own book/s that you write on your own as well.
STEP 4: HOW TO EDIT YOUR BOOK – You will discover how to get your book edited in a high-quality way WITHOUT having to hire expensive editors!
STEP 5: HOW TO FORMAT YOUR BOOK – You will discover how to format the book in all the formats that you need to publish it for all mediums including an ebook, paperback, hardback, audiobook, and online course.
STEP 6: HOW TO DESIGN YOUR BOOK – You will discover how to find images that you can use for your book cover design and also how to get your book cover done without you doing the work!
STEP 7: HOW TO PUBLISH YOUR BOOK – In this section, you will discover how to MULTIPLY your profits by publishing your book to MULTIPLE platforms. In addition, you will learn how to turn that one book into multiple mediums such as an ebook, paperback, hardback, audiobook, and even an online course!
STEP 8: HOW TO ADVERTISE YOUR BOOK – You will discover my exact amazon advertising strategy that I have done to generate multiple six figures with publishing. You will learn how to advertise your book on all the top platforms like Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, and more.
STEP 9: HOW TO SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING – In this section, you will discover how to be omnipresent on all major social media platforms. In addition, you will discover how to publish your content to all the major platforms with a single click of a button!
STEP 10: BUILD & GROW YOUR TEAM – In this section, you will discover how to build your own virtual team where you can hire the best team members to help you do the work to grow your business. I have years of experience hiring up to 10+ virtual assistants at one time so I can greatly help you find your own virtual assistant, train them, and have them do extra work for you to help you focus on high income generating activities to grow your business.
STEP 11: RINSE & REPEAT STEP 2 TO STEP 10 – In this section, I will talk about the key to rinsing and repeating. It’s not just a saying but also a motivational message to help you see the big picture, persevere, and succeed for the long run by doing what already works the best for you and doubling down big time over and over again to ultimately 10X, 100X, and more for the long run! Ultimately, it comes down to hiring and publishing and rinsing and repeating that process over and over again to ultimately build your publishing empire!
STEP 12: LEARN & TAKE ACTION! – In this section, you will get my best of the best additional self publishing secrets and lessons to ultimately help you 10X your publishing business using the strategies and lessons that have helped me 10X my publishing business as well! This section will also teach you success lessons to help you achieve success in all aspects of life. Also this will be a section that also emphasizes you to TAKE ACTION as most people consume all the information without taking any first step so I will do my best to motivate you to motivate yourself to ultimately TAKE ACTION DAILY and ACHIEVE YOUR OWN SELF PUBLISHING DREAMS! YOU CAN DO IT! I was once in your shoes as well as all the other successful authors and publishers out there. I am just one of them who is here to teach what I learned, pay it forward, and share my lessons to the future generations of authors and publishers to come, ultimately make their own positive mark in the world. So, TAKE ACTION, GET STARTED, AND ACHIEVE SUCCESS STARTING NOW!
How Is This Different Than Other Systems?
My PUBLISHER SYSTEM online course is DIFFERENT than ALL the other self publishing eBooks, courses, and seminars because NO ONE who teaches this or has done this independently has done it my way which YOU can get get the KEYS TO MY BLUEPRINT if you take action today by getting my PUBLISHER SYSTEM course!
The way my system is DIFFERENT than other self publishing systems out there in the industry is that I teach you how to hire REAL LIFE EXPERTS to write about WHAT THEY WERE BEST AT!
In the end, you are going to learn how to publish AUTHENTIC BOOKS written by REAL EXPERTS. The book becomes AUTHENTIC as opposed to some crappy book written by some ghostwriting researcher (which is taught by MOST self publishing teachers)!
Hence, YOU will learn a METHOD that is REAL, GENUINE, AUTHENTIC, makes a POSITIVE IMPACT in the world, and help you build a business for the LONG RUN (unlike other self publishers who were here once and gone today)!
- This focuses on helping BOTH the AUTHOR AND the INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER succeed in the publishing business I have experience doing BOTH as a bestselling author and bestselling publisher!
- You will learn from a REAL Amazon bestselling author! (Learn from someone who has real life experience achieving #1 on the AMAZON BESTSELLER list!)
- You will learn from a REAL PUBLISHER of HUNDREDS of books on Amazon! (No other teacher in self publishing has real life experience publishing HUNDREDS of books in various niches!)
- UNLIKE 99% of other teachers who teach you to hire random ghostwriters to hire random topics (which is NOT authentic), I will teach you how to start a PUBLISHING COMPANY by hiring AUTHENTIC WRITERS to write about their #1 BEST TOPICS that they have REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE/EXPERTISE IN and this DIFFERENT & UNIQUE METHOD helps you PUBLISH HIGHER QUALITY & AUTHENTIC BOOKS that will LAST A LIFETIME! (Not just for the short run!)
- Other courses teach you how to hire a ghostwriter to write about any topic. That is NOT as authentic because you are hiring someone to write about something they may NOT be good at in real life! However, this courses teaches you how to CREATE GENUINE & HIGH QUALITY products that makes an authentic & positive impact in the world AND help you make money online!
- You will learn how to succeed in self publishing from someone who has done this since 2010 meaning you will learn how to succeed for the LONG RUN.
- You will learn how to MAXIMIZE your profits for each and every book you publish because you will learn how to turn that EBOOK into a PAPERBACK and an AUDIOBOOK to provide 3 INCOME STREAMS!
- You will learn how to succeed with self publishing from an AUTHOR & PUBLISHER’s point of view because I have had experience writing a book and being a publisher myself.
- You will get a NO FLUFF WAY to make money with self publishing WITHOUT feeling overwhelmed. I will purposely give you ONLY the IMPORTANT STEPS to help you STRAIGHT make money online with self publishing because most ‘internet marketing’ training give too much information and actually hinder you from taking action and getting results online.
How Much Does This Cost?
In my career as an indpendent publisher, I have learned a lot of real life lessons that I want to pass down to the future generations to ultimately make a positive impact in the world...one book at a time that you publish for now and for the future.
I am literally giving YOU (my future mentee/student) my EXACT step-by-step BLUEPRINT on how I build your own independent publishing business from the ground up.
I'm giving you my SECRETS that have NEVER been revealed to the public to you.
You CANNOT get these type of real life lessons in ANY OTHER publishing course because my course teaches you from both an independent publisher's perspective!
Everyone else seems to hire ghostwriters and that's it!
I've never done it like that with my own publishing company. That's because I NEVER STUDIED & COPIED other people!
Instead, I figured this out ALL ON MY OWN and FOCUSED ON MY OWN VISION of publishing AUTHENTIC HOW TO BOOKS by real life, everyday experts!
AGAIN, NO ONE teaches what I teach inside PUBLISHER SYSTEM.
This is the ULTIMATE STEP BY STEP BLUEPRINT that will show you how YOU can become an INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING MOGUL and START YOUR OWN publishing company for the LONG RUN in an AUTHENTIC WAY!
NO ONE TEACHES what I teach because EVERYONE else in the self publishing industry seems to study from each other.
On the other hand, I DID NOT STUDY from other people. I WENT IN MY OWN LANE & WENT THERE ALL THE WAY! That's how my publishing business has stood the test of time and still generates a SOLID FULL TIME INCOME!
AGAIN, this is NOT your COPY CAT self publishing course like 99% of courses out there online!
THIS IS A UNIQUE, ONE & ONLY & ORIGINAL course created by a REAL bestselling author and a REAL independent publisher who has published AUTHENTIC how to guides in the Amazon marketplace. And unlike other publishers who teach this, I am the ONLY ONE who reveals my books through my OWN publishing experiences.
Why? Because I'm not AFRAID. I'm SO CONFIDENT in my own skills as a publisher and someone who is authentic and willing to share my SECRETS to YOU so YOU can also succeed as a publisher as well.
I believe EVERYONE can have an opportunity to succeed. My brand will continue to succeed and thrive. Now, I want to help the NEW publishers to publish the books the RIGHT & AUTHENTIC WAY instead of doing it the way that has been WRONGLY taught by many teachers in this industry (that has made a bad name for the industry!)
You will be proud of your work. Your writers will be HAPPY to write for you! You will create AUTHENTIC topics that make a POSITIVE IMPACT in the world. You will STAND OUT.
So...this BLUEPRINT has provided me the blessed opportunity to make a positive impact in the world, make income online, and also enjoy the internet business freedom lifestyle.
Having said that, I can easily charge you a high ticket price for this like some gurus do. I have seen others charge THOUSANDS for basic self publishing lessons.
Let me tell you...You're not getting basic information that you can easily find on Google.
PUBLISHER SYSTEM is a UNIQUE & ORIGINAL course where it shares you something that you have NEVER heard of before in the self publishing industry.
So it won't be your typical cheap course.
However I wanted to make it affordable for the SERIOUS student who VALUES my blueprint and is willing to take serious action and get started!
That is why I decided to charge it for an affordable price. (For a LIMITED TIME!)
This is now a membership site that charges yearly for our exclusive members only content. All sales are final because this course is digital. You can cancel future billing anytime by contacting our support. Thank you.
To be honest, the value you're going to get inside this course is 10 TIMES the value of what your investing in. In the future, I am seriously going to consider raising to a higher price in the future. Even at that price or higher, it is WELL WORTH IT because this method can create a LONG TERM passive income for you for a LIFETIME!
All sales are final because this membership & course is digital. Thank you.
Build, Grow, & Succeed with Your Own Self Publishing Business All Done Online!
In addition to you receiving my STEP BY STEP blueprint to start, grow, and succeed in your own publishing empire, you will be invited to connect with OTHER self publishers to mastermind and get yourself to a whole new level!
Plus, I will also participate inside the private facebook group to answer some basic questions here and there as well to help you SUCCEED in your journey as a self publisher!
My PUBLISHER SYSTEM is an AWESOME course that will show you EVERYTHING you need to know about succeeding in the publishing game.
However you may have a specific question here and there and that's where the PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP can help you get your specific questions answered to CONTINUE overcoming those little hurdles & obstacles to CONTINUE SUCCEEDING in the self publishing world!
Joining this PRIVATE group is PRICELESS because you are accessing my 7+ years of experience as an INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER!
This BONUS may DISSAPPEAR in the future so TAKE ACTION NOW!
Here's What To Do Next!
Click the link below and Get PUBLISHER SYSTEM today!
You can literally get my STEP BY STEP blueprint on how to build your OWN publishing empire that will set an INCOME for your for a LIFETIME!
This is TRULY priceless.
I may EVEN consider raising the price OR taking this offer down in the future if I get too many students.
So...TAKE ACTION NOW before this offer becomes much more expensive OR disappear in the future!
I'm serious!
By the way, this is not some quick course that shows you fluff training.
Instead, you will GET DEMONSTRATION of me doing EVERYTHING from A to Z to build an eBook publishing empire!

Get Publisher System today and watch my entire step by step training. If for whatever reason you are not completely satisfied with this course and don't believe that I gave you 10 TIMES the value for this course to show you the blueprint on how to start & succeed in your own publishing empire, then contact me and I will personally refund you the money and we can part as friends. That's how confident I am that PUBLISHER SYSTEM will give you the BEST blueprint on how to succeed as an independent publisher starting today! Plus, I will even get on the PHONE with you to help you IF you don't make any sales after publishing 10 books. That's how much confidence I have in my course being able to FINALLY help you with self publishing. GET PUBLISHER SYSTEM today and start your own publishing empire for the LONG RUN!
Click the 'Buy Now' Button to Get Publisher System!
Publisher System is an online course that teaches you self-publishing secrets from an BESTSELLING AUTHOR & INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER'S perspective. Join PUBLISHER SYSTEM Today!
All sales are final because this membership & course is digital. Thank you.
Thank you and I wish you much success in the future!
BJ Min
P.S. I am very authentic in my course SHOWING you and DEMONSTRATING you how to start and succeed in self publishing by SHOWING YOU MY PERSONAL business! I don't know anyone who really does that. I don't just TALK ABOUT IT. Instead, I DEMONSTRATE TO YOU INSIDE PUBLISHER SYSTEM! I am REAL, AUTHENTIC, GENUINE in my training. I will help YOU create REAL & AUTHENTIC books that STAND OUT, make a POSITIVE IMPACT, and help you generate PASSIVE INCOME! CLICK HERE TO GET PUBLISHER SYSTEM NOW!
P.P.S. Here are additional resources for you to ultimately help you self publish your own Amazon book to grow your authority and your business for the long run!
P.P.P.S. In short, I can help self publish your book as an Ebook + Paperback + Audiobook on Amazon, you keep all the rights, and keep all the royalties for a lifetime! So get started today!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is all sales final?
Yes, all sales are final since all my courses is digital. So there is an all sales final, no refund policy. Thank you.
Do I have to publish HUNDREDS of books like you to make money with publishing?
No you don't because you're going to learn from my OWN trial and error! I had to do HUNDREDS of books because I did it the WRONG way in the beginning. But eventually I discovered the RIGHT WAY to do it (in terms of picking topics) that can help you FINALLY get results online! If I was given this type of course in the beginning, I wouldn't need HUNDREDS of books to get the income I make because I would be MUCH BETTER at picking UNIQUE TOPICS (which I will REVEAL to you in my PUBLISHER SYSTEM course)!
Why is your course more expensive than many other courses about self publishing?
First of all, my courses is a BARGAIN for the real deal advice & value you receive in this course because you learn from a REAL bestselling author and a REAL publisher of hundreds of books online. Second of all, I cannot give away my secrets for $47 like other courses out there who seem to focus on teaching some short cut way to make money online. This is NOT for get rich quick people. This is for REAL future publishers who want to succeed in publishing for the LONG RUN. Many short cut & almost questionable tactics come and go but my REAL & AUTHENTIC LONG TERM methods will last for a LIFETIME & BEYOND! Once you get the course, you'll know what I'm talking about because I do NOT teach you how to get fake reviews or use any questionable tactics that may give you short term profits but NEVER long term success.
Can I really make money online with self publishing?
YES! Absolutely! Kindle self publishing is working for many people to this day and many more and getting into this and starting to make a fulltime income online.
Is Kindle self publishing saturated?
No it is not! If you do it the right way, you can earn a fulltime income online doing Kindle self publishing not just for today but for the long run!
Is it expensive to get started in this business?
No way! Compared to a typical brick and mortar business, this is a very affordable business that can make you passive income and give you greater return on investment than most typical businesses.
How is Kindle self publishing different than most other business opportunities on how to make money online?
In my honest opinion, this is one of the most REALISTIC ways for the everyday person to start their REAL business online that they own and keep for their lifetime. A lot of other businesses require a bigger learning curve or more technical work but Kindle self publishing is basically you submitting a word document to Amazon and making money if you want a simple version of it!
Click the 'Buy Now' Button to Get Publisher System!
Publisher System is an online course that teaches you self-publishing secrets from an BESTSELLING AUTHOR & INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER'S perspective. Join PUBLISHER SYSTEM Today!
All sales are final because this membership & course is digital. Thank you.
Copyright PublisherSystem.com | support [at] dreampreneur [dot] com